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Honor and Integrity Through Life’s Most Difficult Times

At Garrett Murphy Law LLC in Augusta, GA our probate lawyer prioritizes your needs above all else. We approach each case with diligence and care, ensuring we understand your unique needs to tailor a customized solution. We are committed to making the estate planning and probate process as seamless and painless as possible, offering flexible options to suit you and your family’s needs best. Call today to learn more about our estate planning and probate services and schedule your appointment.

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Why Is Estate Planning and Probate Important?

Estate planning is more than simply drafting a will, it’s about ensuring your assets are distributed according to your wishes. This minimizes any potential legal hurdles your beneficiaries may face and safeguards your financial legacy. Whether you’re looking to establish a trust, designate powers of attorney, or plan for future healthcare decisions, our estate planning lawyer at Garrett Murphy Law LLC is here to guide you through every step of the process.

Many times, an estate will go through a legal process called Probate. If someone dies with a will or without a will, the estate will be governed by the probate and intestacy laws of Georgia. During this difficult time, let the seasoned professionals at Garrett Murphy Law LLC handle the probate process for you.

Estate Planning and Probate Services Offered

Our estate planning services are designed to offer you and your family peace of mind and security. We pride ourselves on providing services catering to all your planning needs. This includes will creation, trust management, and assets protection strategies, ensuring your legacy is passed on according to your wishes. Our services include, but aren’t limited to:

Wills and Trusts

We help you draft and review your wills and trusts to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes.

Powers of Attorney

It’s essential to establish durable powers of attorney to manage your affairs if you cannot do so yourself.

Health Care Directives

We help create advanced healthcare directives to specify your medical treatment and end-of-life care wishes.


Receive expert assistance in selecting and appointing guardians for minors and dependents to ensure their care and protection.

Asset Protection

Safeguard your personal and business assets from unforeseen liabilities and disputes with strategic legal advice and solutions.


We efficiently and empathetically handle probate processes with ease to fulfill the deceased wishes with respect and care.

Estate Administration

Experience compassionate guidance to ensure the deceased’s wishes are honored and beneficiaries receive their assets.

Our Commitment to You

We understand estate planning and the probate process are vital to ensuring your legacy and protecting your loved ones. Our legal professionals specialize in providing strategic, innovative, and effective estate planning and probate solutions tailored to each client’s unique needs. Focused on building lasting relationships, we offer compassionate and comprehensive counsel to help you navigate the complexities of probate and intestacy law. Reach out to speak with the estate planning lawyer at Garrett Murphy Law LLC today.

Our Clients Come First