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Garrett Murphy

Garret Murphy is the owner and founding partner of Garrett Murphy Law LLC. He specializes in civil litigation, focusing on personal injury, wrongful death, business disputes, and probate matters. Mr. Murphy is an arbitrator with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA). He also serves as an Adjunct Professor at Augusta University.

Professional Headshot of Garrett Murphy in a Suit

Founding Partner

Prior to forming Garrett Murphy Law, Mr. Murphy was a financial advisor for over a decade, assisting clients in a diverse range of issues including asset management, financial planning, and estate needs.  Following law school, Mr. Murphy worked as an enforcement attorney with the Office of the Georgia Secretary of State, serving the residents of Georgia in matters including securities fraud as well as investment adviser/broker dealer registration and audits.  He then went into private practice with an insurance defense firm in Augusta, Georgia, where he represented insurance companies in claims including auto and trucking accidents, slip and fall accidents, and medical malpractice.  This experience gave him a unique perspective into how insurance companies process, review, and defend claims.

Unparalleled Passion

After years of practice in finance, securities, and insurance defense litigation, Mr. Murphy undoubtedly knew that he wanted to devote his career to assisting Georgia residents and business owners with their wide-ranging legal needs.  He is passionate about providing the highest quality legal advice and representation to his clients.

Mr. Murphy is married to his sweetheart, Mrs. Jana Carver Murphy, and is the proud father to Caleb, Carver, and Israel.  They attend Warren Baptist Church in Martinez, Georgia.

Our Clients Come First