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Garrett Murphy Law

An Estate Planning and Civil Litigation Law Firm

Strategic Approach
Innovative Solutions
Effective Advocacy

Garrett Murphy Law LLC has a long history of delivering efficient and effective legal services to clients throughout Georgia. We believe in approaching each case proactively, aggressively, and with the utmost attention to detail. Over the years, we have represented countless individuals, families, and businesses with their legal needs. Our founding attorney, Garrett Murphy, has a unique professional resume. Prior to opening the firm, he served as a financial advisor, a prosecuting attorney with the Georgia Secretary of State, and as an insurance defense attorney. This professional experience, coupled with his desire to truly help those in need, has created a culture of excellence at Garrett Murphy Law LLC.

Professional Headshot of Garrett Murphy in a Suit

Meet Our Attorney: Garrett Murphy

Mr. Murphy has amassed a wealth of experience in the legal field, culminating in what is now Garrett Murphy Law LLC, a full-service civil litigation law firm serving all of Georgia. Mr. Murphy has built longstanding relationships with clients throughout the community based on transparency, integrity, and trust. These core values serve as the firm’s foundation and are applied to every client relationship.

Lawyer Discussing With Client at Desk

From the Initial Meeting Through Trial, We Fight for You

At Garrett Murphy Law LLC, we handle cases from simple to the most complex. Legal disputes can cause great stress, so we are driven to obtain optimal results while communicating with our clients every step of the way.

Hear What Our Clients Are Saying

Garrett Murphy Law LLC

601 N. Belair Square, Suite 14
Evans, GA 30809


Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM